NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2018, Book 1
Education and educational research
Assist. Prof. Galina Sleptsova, Assist. Prof. Victoria Ushnitskaya
The article deals with the pedagogical problem of multicultural education as a factor influencing the formation of cross-cultural competence of the personality.
A definition "cross-cultural competence" is given in the article . Pedagogical conditions of formation of cross-cultural competence of bachelors - teachers are considered. The main results of the conducted research on the formation of cross-cultural competence among bachelors - teachers in the process of teaching of a foreign language are reflected.
The relevance of the appeal to multicultural education is defined by multiculturalism and polyethnicity of the Russian society.
We live in an era of active global interactions within the extending sociocultural space, in a world of linguistic and cultural diversity, where different peoples and national cultures interact intensively. Processes of the interaction of national cultures, the international cooperation are followed not only by progressive, but also negative tendencies. Issues of interethnic relations are becoming particularly difficult in the system of international cooperation, the problem of interethnic conflicts, the preservation of the uniqueness and identity of national cultures becomes aggravated. In these conditions, the problem of developing of culture of interethnic relations, harmonizing ethnic relations, multicultural education of young people with a stable outlook and tolerant consciousness capable of understanding, accepting and respecting the culture of other peoples and finding effective ways to reduce interethnic conflicts is particular importance.
Efforts are necessary to find effective solutions to these problems, and not only at the world, state, but also interpersonal level. One of the possible solutions to this problem is the formation of cross - cultural competence of the individual as a means of nurturing of his personality. Since the teacher is a key figure in formation of the worldview of young generation, the task of forming cross - cultural competence of future teachers comes to the forefront in the education system.
By cross - cultural competence we mean the ability of a person to freely navigate in the multicultural world, to achieve understanding in other languages and cultures in the process of cross-cultural interaction.
Technology of formation of cross-cultural competence of the bachelor - the teacher is based on the principles of social and cultural peculiarities, dialogue, value enrichment of the content of teaching in a foreign language with the values of the national culture and the culture of the learnt language .
The effectiveness of the process of formation of cross-cultural competence of bachelors - teachers are provided by the following pedagogical conditions: the implementation of education of spiritual culture and the development of national consciousness in multycultural education in the system of higher education ; realization of technology of valuable semantic enrichment of the content of foreign language teaching with the values of national culture and culture of the learnt language; a learning of foreign language on a basis of comparative cross-cultural analysis realized in a polylogue of the Yakut, Russian and English cultures.
To solve the problem the following research methods were used: theoretical, empirical, statistical.
multicultural education, cross-cultural competence
NORDSCI Conference Proceedings 2018 Book 1, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-00-3, MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF FORMATION OF CROSS- CULTURAL COMPETENCE AMONG BACHELORS-TEACHERS, 131-138 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/nordsci2018/B1/V1/14