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NORDSCI Conference proceedings 2021, Book 1

Education and educational research


Dr. Malgorzata Adamska


The social, cultural, and technological aspects of the environment significantly affect the generation Z student’s behaviour. Expectations regarding teachers' work are rising and students' commitment to learning is declining. The aim of the article is to present challenges posed before the didactic process, based on the research results regarding the role and significance of the didactic staff in the opinion of generation Z. The presented issues constitute an introduction to a discussion regarding the current approach to the educational process, in the light of technological and social challenges. The methods selected for the purposes of this study are an analysis based on a profound source literature query, which was combined with empirical research performed among students at the Opole University of Technology, using the computer-assisted web interviewing method, by means of a proprietary survey questionnaire. Research results constitute an essential source of knowledge regarding factors that, in the opinion of generation Z students, have the most significance for the efficiency of the educational process, and for the construction of interpersonal relations between students and lecturers. On the basis of the achieved results, recommendations for the didactic staff were developed, regarding the creation of new, engaging didactic forms, and assuming the role of a mentor both for the career, as well as life path. The key value achieved in a result of the research is primary data, constituting the basis for developing a recommendation regarding challenges posed before the academic didactic staff.


educational process, generation Z, academic didactic staff, interpersonal relations


NORDSCI International Conference 2021, Book 1, Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2603-4107, ISBN 978-619-7495-14-0, EXPECTATIONS OF GENERATION Z - A CHALLENGE FOR ACADEMIC DIDACTIC STAFF, 55-67 pp, DOI paper 10.32008/NORDSCI2021/B1/V4/05

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